According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that 30 million animals are living in a situation of abandonment in Brazil, being 10 million felines and 20 million canines. According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that 30 million animals are living in a situation of abandonment in Brazil, being 10 million felines and 20 million canines. When you adopt an animal from a shelter or that was rescued, you help to make these numbers decrease. An animal in a home completely transforms the environment. We know of reports where by acquiring animals, many people were even cured of depression. The first step after deciding to adopt an animal is to verify that one that fits the most the profile of the adopter and the family. More agitated animals stay good in homes with children. Nowadays, in Brazil, the preference for adopting felines has grown. This is due largely to the popularization of vertical buildings, and felines adapt very well in these environments. Either way, adoption must be done consciously and responsibly. An animal lives on average 16 years and will need good food and veterinary care. By adopting a pet, it becomes part of the family. Adopting is a gesture of love!
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